Prime | Rates |
Prime Rate | 5.20% |
Your Chequing | Rates |
0 to 4,999 | 0.10% |
5,000 to 24,999 | 0.10% |
25,000 to 59,999 | 0.20% |
60,000 and over | 0.20% |
Your Savings | Rates |
1 to 4,999 | 0.25% |
5,000 to 9,999 | 0.35% |
10,000 to 24,999 | 0.45% |
25,000 to 59,999 | 0.55% |
25,000 to 59,999 | 0.55% |
60,000 to 99,999 | 0.65% |
100,000 and over | 0.65% |
Youth Account | Rates |
Youth | 0.050% |
High Interest Savings Account | Rates |
HISA | 1.00% |
TFSA HISA | 0.75% |
Residential Mortgages | Rates |
Open 6 Months | 8.25% |
Closed 6 Months | 8.75% |
Variable Rate | 5.70% |
Closed 1 Year | 5.95% |
Closed 2 Years | 5.25% |
Closed 3 Years | 4.85% |
Closed 4 Years | 4.75% |
Closed 5 Years | 4.65% |
Tiered Variable RRSP | Rates |
1 to 999 | 0.25% |
1,000 to 4,999 | 0.25% |
5,000 to 9,999 | 0.25% |
10,000 to 24,999 | 0.25% |
25,000 to 49,999 | 0.25% |
50,000 and over | 0.25% |
No products found
RRSP Term Deposits | Rates |
1 Year | 3.40% |
2 Years | 3.25% |
3 Years | 3.15% |
4 Years | 3.05% |
5 Years | 3.00% |
No products found
Long Term Non Redeemable Deposit, 500 and Over | Rates |
1 Year | 3.25% |
2 Years | 3.25% |
3 Years | 3.15% |
4 Years | 3.05% |
5 Years | 3.00% |
Your TFSA | Rates |
1 Year | 3.40% |
2 Year | 3.25% |
3 Year | 3.15% |
4 Year | 3.05% |
5 Year | 3.00% |
Interest Rates are provided for information purposes only and are subject to change without notice at any time.